Thank you for taking a moment to share about your experience. Your valuable feedback helps us continue improving our service to you. Please keep in mind that your feedback will not be received until you scroll down to the bottom and click, "Submit My Feedback".

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Did you hear about this via Ramadin's Newsletter, Facebook event invitation, Life As Art List,, referred by a friend or somewhere else? Let us know whats working or who referred you!
Please check all that apply
please say a few words about what you are enthusiastic to offer and what you would like to contribute... EG, 1 hour per week towards supporting community potlucks or yoga classes etc. Also, you could list your skills, talents, gifts etc.
( time volunteered at church of soul, food, word of mouth promotion, post flyers, venue for workshops, a motorcycle for Ramadin, something else...)
If you want to protect your privacy, you can use a fake name like "Oscar the Grouch" or "Betty Schoolteacher"
do you prefer to receive text message, email, phone call, or something else? Please be sure to include your email address or phone number and the best days / times to reach you if you would like us to follow up about something specific.

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